My List of Little Joys – August 2019
Here is my latest list of little joys, part of my effort to focus on the things that I am thankful for and to remember all the little moments in life worth celebrating.
Keeping track of little joys has helped me to see that there is more to my reality than just the problems I’m facing. There are lots of reasons to smile, laugh, and enjoy life, even during rough times.
I’ve been recording some of the things that make me grateful as my own spin on gratitude journaling.
I’m glad I’m revisiting this style of post because *usually* summer offers me a little relief from fatigue and pain and symptoms—and unfortunately, that has definitely not been the case this summer. The weather has been so sporadic that I’ve not been able to benefit from consistenly warm days. We’ve had a day or two of balmy weather, then rain, and the rapid changes in weather sends my fibromyalgia, dysautonomia, and asthma into a tailspin.
It’s rough feeling worse when you were anticipating feeling better. I’m just realizing now how much I was banking on having some more time to write and go do things with friends this summer. Now summer is more than halfway gone, and I’m honestly feeling a bit robbed of my favorite season. (Can anyone relate?)
So I’m recording the highlights from the last couple months in a deliberate effort to remind myself that I *have* been able to do fun things this summer. Also, I want to try to focus more on the good.
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Here are some things that have brought me joy in the last few months.
My List of Little Joys – August 2019
• I made one of my favorite desserts with my mom. (Here’s the recipe! It’s perfect for summer.)
• Two family BBQs (and I was able to eat hot dog buns at both without a reaction! I’m on a yeast-free diet along with many other food allergies, so I get a little excited when I’m able to eat bread!)
• I got my 2015 photos put into an album, which is one of the creative goals I mentioned in this post.
• I made it to theaters to see Avengers: Endgame. One of my goals for the year was to see one movie in theaters, and I really wanted it to be this one. (PS here are my tips for moviegoing with chronic pain and/or illness and how going to a theater with reclining seats helped.)
• I made it to a fun even called Geek Fest, where I especially enjoyed looking at the art and crafts inspired by books and movies and comics.
• A friend and I organized a Take My Stuff Party, inspired by an idea I heard about on one of Gretchen Rubin’s Happier podcasts. (PS here are my tips for clutter-clearing when you have no energy.)
• I found the most comfortable pajama shorts ever.
• Got together with a friend for “coffee.” (I’m not sure why I still call them “coffee dates” when in reality, I don’t like coffee and usually order tea…)
• On Amazon Prime Day I got $25 worth of books for $15. Score! Getting discounted books always makes me feel like I’ve gotten away with something…like when characters trick a dragon out of a treasure hoard!
• A friend and I planned to go shopping together, got too hungry and tired after one store…and went out to eat instead! I’m glad we did because it gave us a chance to catch up and talk about how she’s hooked on Downton Abbey. I might have to rewatch that series…
• I made it to the local theater to see a play!
• I’ve been able to help my family by watering the garden a few times, and picking lots of blueberries (enough for two pies!) It feels great to be able to help out, and there’s something wonderful about being able to contribute towards feeding the people you love.
• Discovered some great books after breaking out of a reading rut.
That’s my list so far this summer!
What little joys have you experienced this month? Let me know in the comments!
PS You can check out my previous little joys posts here.

These are wonderful! I’ve had a very similar experience this summer, expecting to feel better but I’m actually feeling worse (different symptoms than before as well). But I have enjoyed many little joys as well (went to a medieval village for one!). Thanks for the good reminder to count my blessings!
Cassie Creley
Molly, thanks for sharing! I’m so glad you enjoyed the post and have been able to count your blessings, despite a rough time this summer. The medieval village sound great. I love going to Renaissance Fairs, and I’m reminding myself that though I probably won’t make it there this year, I can aim for next year!