The Story Behind My New Blog Name: Starlight through the Storm
Ta-da! You may have noticed that my blog has a new logo as well as a new name! I thought I’d share a behind-the-scenes look at the inspiration behind both. I hope this will give you more insight into what you’ll find on my blog, as well as help you know a little more about the person who runs it.
I’ve literally been trying to pick a name before I even started blogging—over two years ago! (Yep, my blog had its anniversary in March and I kinda let it slip by. Oops!) I’m sure glad I didn’t wait until I had the “perfect” name picked before I started my blogging journey. (I think you should dive into blogging even if you don’t feel 100% ready.)
From poems to PR pieces, the titles have always been a challenge for me. So I’ve been brainstorming (for, ahem, years)…how to choose a blog name that sums up living with chronic illness, and not just surviving but thriving? I wanted to choose a name that sounded specific enough but was also broad enough that it would allow me to talk about all the things that bring me joy when my health turns life upside down—such as my faith, my love of words (and books!) and creativity.
Here’s the story behind coming up with a name for this blog, and why it’s special to me.
Why Starlight
I have always loved astronomy; in fact, I’m fairly certain I checked out every book on space that was in my elementary school library. (If there were others, I couldn’t find them. I tried!) The stories behind the constellations, space exploration, scifi, anything about space, I’m in!
A reminder to look for the little things
Starlight is also significant because I wanted to also capture this idea that we have to look for the little things when we’re in the midst of the storm. Sometimes we’re looking for the moon, but we have to settle for the stars. We may not find what we expected or think we need, but if we pause and look around, we can realize that the starlight we’re provided is enough to light our way. There is beauty even in the messy middle of a hurricane and its aftermath.
A call to keep looking up
This symbolism is especially meaningful because there are a lot of very beautiful Bible verses about how God is the one who crafted the stars and heavens. Jesus is the light that breaks through the storms in my life, and my aim is to be a reflection of Him.
Some of my favorites verses include:
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” (Psalm 19:1-6 NIV)
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” (James 1:17 NIV)
Encouragement to keep creating
Finally, I wanted to convey the idea of holding onto our creative spark. I believe that being creative is a core part of who we are as human beings, and it’s a natural reflection of our Creator. (An inherited trait from our Father, in a way of speaking.) Sometimes I forget about some of the creative things I love because I can’t really do them anymore due to my health. But those things are still a part of me. This is why I love to share easier ways to be creative and ideas on how to adapt your creativity. What we love to make is part of our identity and what makes us us.
Also, random fun fact, I once heard a child ask, “What’s your favorite shape?” And I thought that was such a charming question. That’s how I got to thinking about my favorite shape and realized it was a star. I dare you to ask someone what their favorite shape is—it’s a fun get-to-know-you question, and it may reveal something deeper about their personality. (My second favorite shape is a circle, in case you desperately want to know. It’s no wonder my new logo looks the way it does! It went through more variations than I’d like to admit, but I’m happy that it turned out looking like “me.”)

Why Storm?
A visual for what life throws at you
It’s probably pretty clear that “storm” represents whatever struggles or upheavals life is throwing at us at the moment. For me, that’s mainly chronic illness. (I blog frequently about the health challenges I face, including dysautonomia, fibromyalgia, ME/CFS and thyroid cancer.) Going through several health conditions at once definitely feels like a perfect storm. I like that the word storm isn’t specific to chronic illness so this this blog will appeal to anyone in the midst of different storms. What we’re facing may look different, but my sincere hope is that everyone will be able to find encouragement in this space as they face their own unique challenges. (That’s also the inspiration behind my Invisible Illness, Visible Worth Interview Project.)
A reminder that unpredictable can still be beautiful
Also, when I thought “storm” I was specifically thinking of a storm at sea. I LOVE the ocean to the core of my being, to the depths of my soul. I am so happy when I’m near moving water and in nature, and the ocean captures my imagination like no other. Plus, I am a lover all things fantasy-inspired, and mermaids are my absolute favorite. The ocean is beautiful, but it’s also wild and unpredictable. Kind of like life. It throws storms at us, and we learn how to weather them. To do so, we need a firm anchor, which leads me to…
An illustration of who God is
Again, the imagery of a storm also appears frequently in the Bible, making this particularly meaningful to me. You’d think they would do the opposite, but the storms have actually strengthened my relationship with God. Jesus is our shelter in the storm. (Psalm 91:2) Jesus calms the storm. (Mark 4:35-41) That’s a reminder I need in my life! Jesus commands the winds and waves, no matter how fierce they may be.
Some of my other favorite verses are:
“He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.” (Psalm 107:29 NIV)
“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” (Hebrews 6:19a NIV)

I hope that whatever storm you’re facing right now, that this blog can encourage you and fill your life with a little more starlight. And point you to the One who is the Maker of the stars.
Oh and FYI, you’ll still be able to get here by the same web address: cassiecreley.com (If you forget my name, that’s okay too, because starlightthroughthestorm.com also redirects here.)
Want to find out more? I just updated my About page, so you can find out more about the helpful topics you’ll find here, as well as how I can help you tell your story.
What do you think of the new blog logo and name? What topics are you most interested in seeing me cover?
Can you relate to chronic illness as a storm? What creative pursuits are adding some starlight to your life right now? I’d love to hear from you in the comments if you related to this post and the story behind my blog name!
Also…what’s your favorite shape!
PS, I’m active on Pinterest and Facebookand you can find me on Bloglovin. I’d love to connect with you!
You can also subscribe to receive email updates in your inbox, plus get access to my free printable gallery. You can find my latest printables here.
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Invisible Illness, Visible Worth interviews

I LOVE this new title, Cassie! It’s absolutely perfect for what your blog is about. I love how you married the two images together because now the mental image I get is one that is like an adventure movie–a ship at sea going through perils and storms but also experiencing magnificent beauty and wonders (maybe even some mermaids beneath those stars? Sorry, can’t help myself haha). I love this quote: “I believe that being creative is a core part of who we are as human beings, and it’s a natural reflection of our Creator.” YES YES and YES. I am right there with you. I feel most ME when I am creating….something. And I can also relate to that heartbreaking feeling of not always being well enough to participate in those activities. That’s hard. But it reminds me that creativity begins in the imagination well before it comes to life, and maybe the ideas we conceive when we are too sick to create them can still someday come about? I like to hold onto hope for that. I can’t wait to read more about your adventure, so keep it up!
Cassie Creley
Olivia, thank you SO much for your kind words and encouragement! Yay, the images you described are EPIC! And please, add mermaids anytime, that’s fine by me. 😀
I’m so glad that it resonated with you how central creativity is to each of us because we get it from God. I really wish I could remember where I first heard that idea, but as soon as I heard it, it just CLICKED. We were made for this! I’m so glad you pointed out that imagination is part of this. I totally agree—even when we can’t pursue our creativity to the degree we want, we still are inherently creative and our imaginations are part of that!
Thank you so much for reading and commenting. I’m looking forward to seeing what’s next on your wonderful blog too!
Karen C.
I love it! So many things I didn’t know about you! The shape of the new logo is also like a sand dollar 😊 I guess the ocean was really inspiring you. My favorite shape is… “Z” haha is that a shape or a letter 🤪
Cassie Creley
Oh that’s so cool you learned some things about me friend! Yes! I also thought of a sand dollar, and I’m glad that came through. Haha, I was describing why a star was perfect and said something like “It could be a “sky star,” or a sand dollar—an “ocean star!”” XD
I love that your favorite shape is also a letter.
I love your blog name along witht he explanation. It’s beautiful. I too suffer from chronic illness. I hope we cross paths many times.
Playing the piano add starlight to my life! And my favorite shape is circle, the symbol of oneness.
Cassie Creley
I love that! Music is so powerful. I love that symbolism behind circles too.