My First Short Story Has Been Published!
I’m so excited to share that my first short story has just been published!
I’m thrilled to have my writing featured in the Everything Collection, which is open to alum of The King’s Daughters’ Writing Camp. (You can find out more about joining this encouraging virtual camp for Christian ladies here. The latest camp starts March 1, 2023 and you’re welcome to join.)
The theme and title of each story in the collection is “Everything,” which we were able to interpret however we wished.
My story focuses on a main character who is trying to grow her first garden, but it’s not quite going to plan. What she hoped would be a chance to bring some sense of control to life with chronic illness just might turn into something better: an opportunity to dream bigger.
While I’ve had poems published in the past, its taken a long time to see my first short story in print. My health over the last six years has essentially put my fiction writing on hold.
I hope this encourages other writers and creatives to keep pursuing your dreams. I know how hard it is to wait and to keep putting yourself out there when you have something you long to share with the world. Keep moving forward friends! You never know how close you could be to your goal.
Want to get the collection and read my story? You can find it here:
Everything Collection (Paperback)
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Hope you’re encouraged by my story! I’d love to hear in the comments if you check it out.
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