My List of Little Joys – April 2019
Here is my latest list of little joys, part of my effort to focus on the things that I am thankful for and to remember all the little moments in life worth celebrating.
Knowing I’m going to be recording things that make me feel more joyful has helped me to keep up with my goal of gratitude journaling, and journaling in general, more often.
I honestly needed this practice in place over the last couple months. I’ve faced quite a few health setbacks recently, including a sinus infection, an injury, reacting badly to a new medicine I tried, and having to stop a treatment that was helping me, plus worsening insomnia due to tachycardia. Whew, it’s easy to get bogged down and overwhelmed when you see a lot of things going wrong, and it’s easy to dwell on them. Keeping track of little joys has helped me to see that there is more to my reality than just the problems I’m facing. There are lots of reasons to smile, laugh, and enjoy life, even during rough times.
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As I mentioned in my first list of little joys post, I was partially inspired by Not Just Tired’s Joy in Winter challenge, now Joy in Spring challenge. As blogger Emma notes: “I have to say that by doing these challenges, I find myself looking for the good stuff. Thinking things like, that would be a great moment to capture and share. I also find that the more I look for joy, the more joy just happens to appear!”
I love the idea of finding reasons for joy each season of the year. And reading about what brings joy to others makes me happy, too. So, here I am jotting down my little joys in hopes that it brings joy to you as well.
I hope you’ll join me in recording your little joys.
Keeping track of little joys has helped me to see that there is more to my reality than just the problems I’m facing. There are lots of reasons to smile, laugh, and enjoy life, even during rough times.
Here are the things that have brought me joy in March and April.
My List of Little Joys – April 2019
• I celebrated my one year blogging anniversary! And I took some time to reflect on my blogging journey and share some tips.
• Bible study via phone with friends.
• I was able to give a friend some tips on a resume.
• March snow, which was beautiful!
• I got meet my friend’s baby and talk about dinosaurs with her three-year-old.
• Time for coloring. I really love this coloring book that lets you draw fashion sketches for Disney princesses. Sometimes I forget how much I love to draw.
• Sherlock-athon. It’s been fun rewatching this show, and as a new blogger, I was cracking up when Sherlock basically told John to stop blogging: “Quit inflicting your opinions on the world.” As if Sherlock does not also have his own blog… (PS, if you don’t want to buy Sherlock you can stream it on Netflix.)
• Unseasonably warm weather for a few days in March, when I got to be outside for a taste of summer.
• I got to go hear a friend play the cello at a concert. (I feel like in the spirit of being transparent, my health only allowed me to go to part of the concert, but I’m choosing to celebrate the part I got to hear, not focus on the part I missed. This mindset can be super tricky when dealing with chronic illness, but I’ve found it helpful.)
• Celebrated at a baby shower.
• Played play-doh with my friend and her two year old. I haven’t done that forever, and it was adorable to see my friend’s daughter proudly handing me each of her play-doh creations with a delighted: “Here ’ou go.”
• I learned to darn a sweater, and made another sweater into a scarf. (I think I’ll share more about mini-clothing alterations in a later post…)
• The flowers are blooming! One of my favorites popped up lately—forget-me-nots. It’s always wonderful to catch the first glimpses of my beloved Fragmentary Blue. (I just realized that Not Just Tired featured forget-me-nots in one of her #joyinspring tweets too! I’m so glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t think of blue as a “sad” color.)
• My belated birthday party wasn’t snowed out this time, and was so fun! We went to a glass art workshop and got to make beautiful tiles.
That’s my list so far this month!
What little joys have you experienced this month? Let me know in the comments, or on my new Facebook page.

Monica Cate
I love this! We have been in the throes of really difficult toddler tantrums and I’ve been feeling sooo ready to have baby boy and kind of grumpy about it, so I could stand to do this too! There are always little joys to celebrate even in the midst of hard things. Thanks for sharing, friend!
Cassie Creley
You are juggling a lot right now my friend! I hope this will be a helpful practice for you to during this busy season. I’d love to hear how it goes!