My Recent Reads – April 2020 Reading Recommendations
If you’re looking for book recommendations, welcome my fellow bookworms! Now’s the perfect time to get in some reading and discover new books to add to your TBR stack. Here are mini book reviews of some of my favorite recent reads.
This post’s collection includes two of my favorite books I’ve read recently, two that creeped me out more than expected, and two others that I enjoyed for their insightfulness and practicality.
If you’ve been following my blog posts recently, you know how excited I am about spring arriving. I love when the weather starts to get warmer because warm weather helps my health conditions and symptoms ease up a little. It’s been especially nice to get outside while much of the world is staying at home in quarantine.
I’ve been sitting outside, walking around a little bit, and taking photos of flowers that are starting to pop up around the yard. It’s kind of like a treasure hunt, or Easter egg hunt. I kind of feel the same way when I discover a book I love—like I’m the first person to find that particular blossom. So here are the not-so-hidden gems I’m excited about in the literary world. I hope the comfort of curling up with a good book helps you during these crazy times.
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Remember, just because you can’t get to the library doesn’t mean you can’t get books. Check out your library’s selection of downloadable e-books and audiobooks for free reading material. If there are long wait lists for the titles you want to read, you can sign up for a free trial of Kindle Unlimited.
I hope you enjoy these reading recommendations!
The Way Of The Heart
Henri Nouwen
This book is so timely, especially the sections on solitude and silence as spiritual disciplines. They were very helpful for me to see ways I can use my time when I’m stuck at home because of chronic illness, and I think they will prove especially meaningful during this time of self-isolation and social distancing. There’s a lot of wisdom in this little book, and it’s one I will definitely be returning to as a tool to grow in my walk with God.
Unequal Affections
Lara S. Ormiston
I felt like I got to read Pride & Prejudice for the first time again! I devoured this book. This beautifully crafted story explores what would have happened had Elizabeth accepted Mr. Darcy’s first proposal. I can’t get over how imaginative and romantic this book is, and how well the characters and their actions are portrayed.
I discovered this book by reading Modern Mrs. Darcy’s post: 7 favorite Jane Austen retellings. Yep, there are others I will be checking out on this list!
PS Look at this gorgeous edition of P&P:
The Curated Closet
Anuschka Rees
Anyone else wanting to purge unnecessary things right now? I have to organize and declutter slowly (here are my tips for pacing while tidying), and I found this book helpful as a way to be strategic when I think about what to get rid of and what to purchase in the future. My favorite part was that this book doesn’t push a one-size-fits-all approach to building a wardrobe, but rather encourages you to build one that is right for your life, activities, and style. And, yes, there are pictures! (That’s a must for me if a book is going to talk fashion.)
Also, here are my tips for balancing comfort and fashion when dealing with chronic illness.
George Orwell
The first of my reading goals I’ve knocked out this year! I’ve been wanting to read this dystopian classic for some time, and wow! Another book that blew me away with how applicable and eerily relevant it still is today. This is one of those books I assumed might be “boring” when I was younger because it’s toted as a classic, but I assure you it is not!
Random side note, I had Resistance by Muse stuck in my head most of the time I was reading this book. If you’re looking for a dystopian-themed soundtrack for your reading, you can’t go wrong with one of my favorite bands!
(Note: Some PG 13 content and language.)
Jeff VanderMeer
Have you ever involuntarily snapped a book shut because it scared you so much you just needed a moment? That may have happened a couple times… This book is a little different than my usual reading taste, and I’m including it because of how great it is at creating a sense of eerie atmosphere. Part sci-fi, part survival story, part horror, this book is one I could hardly put down. Read it if you dare…
Eleanor & Park
Rainbow Rowell
This is one of my favorites I’ve read recently. Such a sweet and romantic story about two unlikely friends who meet at school in 1986. This book isn’t afraid to tackle difficult themes and handle them well, showing what love and friendship looks like when they’re tested.
(Note: PG 13 language. It’s mostly in the first chapter.)
What have you been reading lately? Share your reading recommendations in the comments!
Which of these books looks most interesting to you?
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