Update on my 2019 Reading Goals
It’s (somehow!) already June, so I’m posting an update on my reading goals now that the year’s hit the halfway mark. As I blogged about earlier, this is my first year setting reading goals for myself. If you’ve set goals too, I’d love to hear about it!
I’ve been a little hit or miss on my goals so far (I’m going to blame brain fog at least in part for that. You’ll see I completely forgot about one of my goals below!) There’s still plenty of time to work on my goals over the next six months, so I’m glad I’m reviewing them now. Summer seems like the perfect time to dive right into this list and be a little more intentional about reading.
(If you haven’t set reading goals for 2019, why not set some now? Or set some for the summer?)
Here’s the progress I’ve made so far.
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Goal #1—Read at least 2 books in translation
I have completed this goal! Here are the books I checked out:
The Alchemist
by Paulo Coelho
I like the fable-style of the story and the writing. There were very poignant moments that made me stop, think, and reflect on my own life. Other times I was taken out of the story by the mix of worldviews, but I think it could lead to a good book club discussion. Read more>
Understanding Sun Tzu on The Art of War
I’ve wanted to read this book for some time, mainly because I love fantasy books and I want to be able to better write my own battle sequences. I only skimmed the first part of the book that breaks down The Art of War—I wanted to read the original text and formulate my own thoughts first. I look forward to give it a more in-depth look in the future; what I read about D-Day was especially interesting. Read more>
I would still like to find a book translated from Norwegian to try. (Recommendations anyone?)
Goal #2—Read at least 1 Shakespearean play
I’m glad I looked back at this because I for sure thought I was going to read two Shakespearean plays this year, and for some reason that seemed like too many…so I haven’t even started. I think I felt too daunted (which is weird…I like Shakespeare, so maybe I just need to start knowing I’ll enjoy reading once I do.) The other hangup is—I can’t find my copies of Shakespeare. I looked through the boxes of my books where I thought they were, and alas, poor me, they were not there. I’ll have to keep hunting around, which will take energy.
I might switch up my original plan and read The Taming of the Shrew. I recently heard about a retelling called Vinegar Girl and am curious to read that. Maybe having a retelling to look foreword to will provide the extra incentive I need!
Goal #3—Join a Literary Society/Book Club
I’ve been reading along with a lit group since September! I’ve read all but one of the books (because I knew for sure I wouldn’t be able to make that month’s meeting).
As of June, I haven’t been able to make it to any of the actual meetings…my body has not been cooperating because of my health, and the 7:30 p.m. start time has been especially challenging.
I’m hopeful we’ll continue meeting over the summer, even if it’s more casual, because summer tends to be a little easier on me, making it more likely I’ll be able to get out.
Goal #4—Read at least 2 classics I should have read in high school
Ummm, did I forget about this one? Maaaaybe.
I just went to put a hold on Fahrenheit 451 at the library, and there’s a 24-week estimated wait time!!! Luckily there was just one hold on the copy at another library.
In the next 2-3 weeks, I can just see it… all the books I’ve been placing holds on for the last few months will come in all at once, and I’ll suddenly be drowning in 10 books.
I just put a hold on the other book I was thinking of reading too, The Lord of the Flies.
I’m going to add Frankenstein to this list, too. (Great, I’m going on a guilt-induced library spree!)
Goal #5—Read more poetry
I’ve been reading a bit of poetry here and there when I check out literary journals to possibly submit to, and I’ve sought out a few poems online. I have a note to buy a poetry book with some leftover birthday money. (I want to read more Ted Kooser, because I love his collection Delights and Shadows.) I give myself a gold star for being more intentional about seeking out poetry!
(Note: The day after I started writing this, three books became available at the library at once. I told you it was going to happen!)
How are you doing on your reading goals for 2019? Have you set reading goals for the summer?
Share some of your picks in the comments!