• My Experience Fundraising for Medical Expenses—Here’s how organizations like Help Hope Live can help people in financial need due to chronic illness or catastrophic injury. Fundraise for medical bills including doctors’ co-pays, prescription costs, home modification, in-home care, physical therapy, travel expenses and more. | cassiecreley.com
    Blog,  Health

    My Experience Fundraising for Medical Expenses

    Today I want to share about an organization that can help chronic illness patients fundraise for medical expenses. Chronic illness is expensive, and I am so thankful to have recently found out about Help Hope Live, which can help with co-pays, prescriptions costs, insurance premiums, and more.

    In this post, I’ll share about my experience fundraising with this organization, so you can see if it would be a good fit to help you or a loved one living with chronic health conditions or a serious injury.

  • How to Find Financial Assistance for Chronic Illness Expenses—Connect with organizations that can provide help with copays, prescription costs, insurance premiums, and other medical bills. | cassiecreley.com
    Blog,  Health

    How to Find Financial Assistance for Chronic Illness Expenses

    Did you know that patients with chronic illness can apply for grants to help with medical expenses? Me neither! I’m going to share about several organizations that provide medical grants and financial assistance.

    I can’t believe I’ve been seriously ill for over six years and am just now hearing something like this exists! I thought medical grants were something only doctors or researchers could apply for.

    These programs may be able to help with costs like copays, insurance premiums, prescription costs, and more.

  • Thoughts On “Sun Guilt” And How To Enjoy The Outdoors With Chronic Illness: How can we take the pressure off and enjoy nature more despite chronic health conditions? Here are my tips for pacing and preparing so you can enjoy being outside more.
    Blog,  Etc,  Health

    Thoughts On “Sun Guilt” And How To Enjoy The Outdoors With Chronic Illness

    Don’t worry, this isn’t a post pressuring you to go outside more or insisting you should get outside every day. With chronic illness and pain, sometimes this isn’t realistic. So let’s talk about ways to benefit from and enjoy being outdoors with chronic illness. For me, planning and pacing are key.

    In fact, I’m giving myself permission to be outside less or not go outside at all, even on days when the weather is ideal. I’m trying to balance benefitting from nature with listening to my body.

  • My Go To Natural Skin Care Products – My favorite soaps, shampoos, conditioners, lotions, lip balms, toothpaste, dry shampoo, and more. These are the products I use because they’re free of common toxins, which is essential due to my asthma, allergies, fibromyalgia and chemical sensitivity.
    Blog,  Health

    My Go To Natural Skin Care Products

    I’m so excited to share this list of my favorite natural skin care products with you! It’s taken me many years to find lotions, soaps, shampoos, etc. that don’t flare up my health conditions. I’m really passionate about this topic because I think everyone should have the tools and information to avoid toxins and make healthier decisions in their everyday life.

    I hope that all the products I’ve researched and tried will help you on your journey to better health.

    What we put on our bodies matters, especially for those of us with chronic illness. These are the skincare products that don’t aggravate my asthma, fibromyalgia, and other chronic conditions.

  • Why You Should Use Natural Skin Care Products Especially If You Have A Chronic Illness. An overview of resources for finding more information, what toxins could be affecting your health, chemicals to avoid, and where to find safer alternatives. | cassiecreley.com
    Blog,  Health

    Why To Use Natural Skin Care Products If You Have A Chronic Illness

    Why choose natural skin care products? I’m going to share a quick overview of some of the potential health impacts of chemicals that you’d think are safe—after all, they’re in everyday products like lotion, shampoo, deodorant, and soap. I hope this post is a useful resource for learning more about the ingredients in skin care products so you can choose healthier options, especially if you have a chronic illness.

    If you’re already dealing with chronic illness or health issues (like I am—more on that below) it’s even more important to address irritants and triggers that could be contributing to underlying conditions—or just making overall health worse.

    And even if you’re healthy, there are many reasons everyone should avoid harmful chemicals lurking in skin care products.

    Here’s a quick look at chemicals to avoid, where you can find more research about those chemicals, and resources for finding healthier alternatives.

  • Holiday Stay Connected from a Distance
    Blog,  Health

    How To Stay Connected From A Distance-Holiday Edition

    The holiday season is coming, and I want to share some fun and creative ways to stay connected even from a distance. It can be challenging to stay connected while apart. Chronic illness can limit our ability to travel or visit, and risk due to the pandemic adds another layer of restrictions.

    Thankfully, technology provides a lot of ways to keep in touch so we’re not isolated. I’m going to share ideas for virtual Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas parties.

    I’ve been thankful to be able to meet up with a few friends outdoors in the last month or so for socially distanced get-togethers. Now the weather is getting colder (too cold for this asthmatic to be outdoors here in Washington). So I’m thinking about ways to make virtual get-together’s into holiday parties. 

    I hope these ideas inspire many fun celebrations!

  • The Helpful Chart My Doctor Recommended I Create: Prepare for a doctor's visit. Tips on putting information together for doctor’s appointments. Here’s how reviewing your supplements and medications and other health information can help you and your doctor work together on your treatment plan. Especially useful if you have multiple chronic illnesses or health conditions.

    The Helpful Chart My Doctor Recommended I Create

    Do you ever discover a useful resource for your health that just makes you want to share it? That’s the way I felt when my doctor recommended I create this chart. This is a helpful way to prepare for a doctor’s visit. It led to a lot of light bulb moments as I considered the future direction of my treatment plan, especially when it comes to medication and supplements.

    This chart will help you streamline appointments by having more information at your fingertips, whether you’re meeting with your doctor in person or doing televisits. (I’ve actually found televisits practical because I use up less energy and can pull up documents about my health history on my computer…or ask my mom to run into the next room to check the dosage on my supplements, LOL! What do you guys think of them?)  

    I feel I’ve hit a dead end with my health and haven’t been seeing improvement (so I’ve been trying to focus on the little things I can do).

    That’s why I recently saw my naturopathic oncologist to get a new perspective. I hadn’t seen him in awhile—I had thyroid cancer three years ago and have other chronic health conditions including dysautonomia, fibromyalgia, an autoimmune disease, and asthma.

  • Q&A with author Daphne Self: “Never give up. There is always someone out there that understands.” Interview on writing, challenges of chronic illness, and leaning on God for self worth when living with fibromyalgia, IBS, Interstitial Cystitis, Neuropathy, and autoimmune disease. (Invisible Illness Visible Worth Interview Project) | cassiecreley.com
    Invisible Illness / Visible Worth Interviews

    Q&A with author Daphne Self: “Never give up. There is always someone out there that understands.”

    Daphne Self is an author whose books include fiction, a devotional, and soon, a book about living well with chronic illness. In this interview, Daphne shares how she uses her love of writing to encourage others and point them to Jesus, all while dealing with one of the worst cases of fibromyalgia pain her doctor has seen.

    Daphne’s fourth book was just released this June. You can check out Alabama Days, the second book in a series, here. The book follows a paramedic, who has seen too much suffering to believe God can be good, and a reporter who both get caught up investigating a series of suspicious accidents.

    Her nonfiction book on chronic illness will be available this fall—it will chronicle the ups and downs she went through when she was first diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic pain.

    I hope you’re encouraged by this conversation with Daphne on chronic illness, faith, and perseverance.