• The Story Behind The Blog Name Starlight Through The Storm
    Blog,  Etc,  Write

    The Story Behind My New Blog Name: Starlight through the Storm

    Ta-da! You may have noticed that my blog has a new logo as well as a new name! I thought I’d share a behind-the-scenes look at the inspiration behind both. I hope this will give you more insight into what you’ll find on my blog, as well as help you know a little more about the person who runs it.

    I’ve literally been trying to pick a name before I even started blogging—over two years ago! (Yep, my blog had its anniversary in March and I kinda let it slip by. Oops!) I’m sure glad I didn’t wait until I had the “perfect” name picked before I started my blogging journey. (I think you should dive into blogging even if you don’t feel 100% ready.)

    From poems to PR pieces, the titles have always been a challenge for me. So I’ve been brainstorming (for, ahem, years)…how to choose a blog name that sums up living with chronic illness, and not just surviving but thriving? I wanted to choose a name that sounded specific enough but was also broad enough that it would allow me to talk about all the things that bring me joy when my health turns life upside down—such as my faith, my love of words (and books!) and creativity.

    Here’s the story behind coming up with a name for this blog, and why it’s special to me.

  • Friendship Stay Connected from a Distance Chronic Illness
    Blog,  Faith,  Health

    How To Stay Connected From A Distance

    This post is all about finding creative ways to stay connected while we’re apart. I’ve been planning to write this post for awhile, and because of quarantine and social distancing, now seems more perfect than ever.

    I’m sure everyone is aware that these are very unusual times everywhere. In case you’re interested in what’s going on in my corner of the world: I’ve been home since March 5 at my doctor’s advice to protect myself from COVID-19. On March 16, Americans were asked to stay home as much as possible to flatten the curve (all schools in Washington were officially closed that day as well), and March 23 the Washington state governor issued a stay-at-home order.

    To everyone who is taking this seriously and protecting those of us with weakened immune systems: THANK YOU. We can do this, and I have some tips.

    If there is one good thing in the midst of all this, it’s that people are realizing how challenging it can be to stay connected when you can’t leave your home. As I shared in a Facebook post, oddly enough, I’ve been able to be more social recently because people are free to talk to on the phone and join video calls.

    Chronic illness is super isolating, and the chronic illness community has a lot of advice for everyone experiencing this challenge. (For more on what this looks like in day to day life for people with chronic illness, I recommend this article from The Mighty.)

    This post is for everyone experiencing this temporary change due to quarantine and social distancing, as well as though of us who are chronically ill and have had to adapt long-term.

  • Proactive Health Steps Right Now Chronic Illness 1
    Blog,  Etc,  Faith,  Health,  Write

    Things I’m Doing For My Health Right Now

    I’m a huge advocate of being proactive when it comes to your health, so I today I’m sharing some of the ways I’m doing this right now.

    Lately, I’ve had the feeling that no matter what I do for my health, it feels kind of futile. That’s one of the sucky things about being chronically ill—you can do all the right things, and still be, well, chronically ill. Plus, I’ve been dealing with the cold weather (one of my triggers), health set backs, and—oh joy—new symptoms. It’s frustrating and ironic when your health is one of the things keeping you from being proactive about your health.

    Thus, this blog post. I thought it would be helpful to record the ways I can be proactive about my health, and how these actions do help, even if just in a small way.

    Some of the items on my list may look a little random, or not the kind of things you would associate with “health.” Most of these things aren’t specific to helping any one health condition, like my dysautonomia, fibromyalgia, asthma, autoimmune disease, ME/CFS, etc. But I’ve been trying to pay attention to what is zapping my energy or causing me stress. Viewing a problem as an opportunity to improve my health helps in two ways: 1) this helps me clarify a goal (less energy output or stress) and 2) this helps motivate me to make positive changes (by reminding me that this is important to my overall wellbeing). This clarity and motivation is enough to break through my brain fog and exhaustion so that I’m able to work on my health.

    My hope is that this post will help you take a look at what you’re doing for your own wellness, or inspire you to think of new ways you can include more self care in your life. And when you make that list, I hope your reaction is similar to mine: I might be limited in what I can do for my health right now, but I’m doing the best I can.

  • Q&A with blogger Jenna Ziegler “I thought I was letting go of my dream job. Turns out, this decision led me to this new career that brings me joy I didn’t know possible.” Interview on ulcerative colitis, autoimmune conditions, self care & adapting your writing dreams. (Invisible Illness Visible Worth Interview Project) | cassiecreley.com
    Invisible Illness / Visible Worth Interviews

    Q&A with Jenna Ziegler “I thought I was letting go of my dream job. Turns out, this decision led me to this new career that brings me joy I didn’t know possible.”

    A few years ago, I was planning to start a writers’ group, but due to my health changing unexpectedly, I was never able to get one up and running. So I was pleasantly surprised when blogging made that happen in a way I didn’t expect. Blogging allows me to connect with other writers, and I get especially excited when those writers love the creative side of writing, like fiction and poetry. That’s one of the reasons I’m thrilled to be able to introduce you to Jenna Ziegler, a chronic illness blogger and aspiring novelist.

    Jenna runs the blog The Comical Colon, where she shares her medical journey in a comical light to encourage others to share their unique health journeys. When I found her blog, I immediately sent a link to a friend who was recently diagnosed with colitis because I knew she could benefit from Jenna’s informative and upbeat writing.

    When chronic illness threatened her opportunities to have the schooling and career she desired, Jenna found that her health also brought new options for pursuing her love of writing. She’s been blogging since March 2018 and she’s also an aspiring author. Jenna shares about her writing journey (including participating in NaNoWriMo) plus numerous helpful chronic illness resources in this interview.

    I hope you’re encouraged by this conversation with Jenna on chronic illness, faith, and perseverance.

  • Digital Declutter Ereader Ebook
    Blog,  Etc

    Getting Rid of Digital Clutter on my Ereader to Feel More Organized

    I love finding ways to organize that are manageable with chronic illness.

    I’ve been on a slow but steady mini-cleaning spree, and am pretty proud of myself that I’ve checked some items off my to-do list. While I love organizing, my dysautononia, fibromyalgia, and other health conditions make it super exhausting. I wish I could do more, but I’m getting better at pacing myself.

    As I wrote about in an earlier post, I’ve found ways to declutter/organize despite limited energy, and it helps me to de-stress. Also, when so many things in my life are out of my control due to my chronic conditions, it helps to be able to have control over my space. When my environment is visually calm and organized, I feel more calm and organized too.

    I’ve finished organizing my medicine cabinet and file folder (don’t worry I won’t subject you to a blog post about that!) and when I saw a recent blog post about digital decluttering your e-reader, I was inspired to go through my ebooks as well. This blogger’s goal was to read what she already had. That isn’t my goal (because…libraries!), but her goal did make me want to go through my ebooks, plus it remind me of something I want to try in the future. I’d love to clear out one of my shelves on a bookcase so that it become a designated space just for my unread books. This would make them easier to find—sometimes I forget where I have books squirreled away! A project for when I have a little more energy, and space!

  • Interesting Around the Web – August 2019: A collection of bookish, grammar nerd, personality, and health articles that have caught my attention lately. | cassiecreley.com
    Blog,  Etc

    Interesting Around the Web – August 2019

    Hello readers, I have rounded up some interesting articles and posts from around the web!

    I’ve been taking it easy after a trip to a museum totally wiped me out for a week, so it’s been fun to discover interesting reads online to keep me occupied. I also got to contribute a quote to another blogger about how important to advocate for yourself when doctors are dismissive or misdiagnose you (one time a doctor told me I didn’t have asthma… when I clearly do and have since birth!) I was also delighted to discover that another blogger read my latest My List of Little Joys posts and was inspired to write a post of her own on that theme.

    I hope you all enjoy these links and have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

  • Create a Laughter as Medicine Kit— Get ideas for adding more laughter into your life! I’ve gathered resources you can use to make your personalized “kit,” and I rounded up an overview of how humor can help your body cope with chronic pain and illness.

    Create a Laughter as Medicine Kit

    This post is all about ideas for adding more laughter to your life!

    While laughter may or may not be the best medicine, it sure can make a difference.

    I’ve been compiling a list of things that make me laugh, and it’s turned into a kind of first aid kit for making me feel better. Being intentional about cultivating joy and laughter has been even more important to me since I’ve been dealing with multiple chronic illnesses as well as chronic pain. Maybe you’re dealing with similar health challenges, or just looking for tips to improve your wellbeing. So I’m going to share ideas with you so you can make your own customized laughter kit!

    Having a list of funny resources has been helpful because my brain is often fried due to chronic illness (hellooooo brain fog!). Instead of having to hunt around when I need a pick me up, I can use my kit as a jumping off point. (I printed my list off, but you can save it to your phone or wherever makes sense for you.)

    Oftentimes, when I need a pick-me-up, my brain is too fried to think “Oh, I should watch or read such-and-such, that always makes me feel happier!” So, that’s why I’m making this list, so I know what tools I have in my laughter-as-medicine kit.

    Before we dive into making a laughter-as-medicine kit…how exactly does laughter help?

    I think we all know that laughter is a good thing, especially if you’re dealing with chronic illnesses, but did you know it can physically make a difference?

  • Activities for Summer Fun #2 + Free Printable
    Blog,  Etc,  Free Printables

    Activities for Summer Fun #2—Low Cost, Low Energy + A Free Printable

    Summer is my favorite time of year! Now that summer is officially here, I want to make the most of it by making some plans. So I’m sharing a list of fun activities with you all.

    Last year, I blogged about ideas for summer fun that are easier for those of us with health issues (and included a free printable you can download), and this year I’m expanding on that list.

    While most summery lists are geared toward people who are healthy, my list is achievable for people who deal with chronic illness and chronic fatigue. I’ve put together ideas that are adaptable for a variety of energy levels. I hope you’ll use this list as a jumping off point to craft a beautiful summer full of sun, novelty, creativity, and friends and family.

    Find out how to get this list as a free printable at the end of this post. I enjoyed checking off items on last year’s list and seeing just how much I was able to accomplish!

    Also, these ideas are mostly free or inexpensive, making them perfect for anyone who wants to save money. These would make great experiences for families with kids home for the summer too.

    For some with chronic illness, summer can mean symptoms ease up a little, but for others the heat can actually exacerbate illness. You’ll notice that most of these ideas would be something you could do year round. If summer is rough on you, tuck this list away for another time of year when you have more energy.