• My Favorite Fiction Books From 2018 | Here are my fiction picks of novels, fairy tale retellings, Christian fiction, young adult YA books, and kid’s books. cassiecreley.com
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    My Favorite Fiction Books From 2018

    I have some fun reading suggestions for you! I’ve been going through my reading journal from 2018 and picking out which fiction books I most enjoyed.

    Not surprisingly, there are quite a few fairy tale retellings on here, and some YA titles I adored. I also stretched myself to read a genre I normally don’t. (Mystery!)

    When I tallied my 2018 books, I felt a little bummed out that I read fewer books than last year, until I reminded myself that quality is better than quantity. I’ve gotten better at putting books aside if I’m not enjoying them, something that has been hard for me in the past. (Can anyone relate?)

    I also realized that brain fog has frequently made me indecisive when I’m trying to decide what to read. Recognizing this has helped me—I thought for awhile that maybe I was losing my love of reading (gasp!) but now I know it’s just a side effect of chronic illness. I’m hoping my reading goals for this year will help me spend less time deciding what to read, and more time enjoying reading. I hope my suggestions help you too as you decide what books to dive into!

  • My reading goals for 2019—Wondering what books to read in the new year? I have some ideas! | cassiecreley.com
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    My Reading Goals For 2019

    This is my first year creating reading goals for myself, and I’m quite excited!

    I keep a running list of books I want to read, but have never written goals outlining which ones to read next. I’ve merely had a general sense in my head that “I should read more of…(fill in the blank).”

    Plus, my to-read list is a little intimidating at 56 pages long. Fifty-six pages. Okay, it’s a little less alarming when you know that some of the titles in the Word doc are in pretty large fonts due to copying and pasting from the Internet, and there are some book summaries included, again as a result of copying and pasting. But I want a list that’s a little more manageable for the new year. (In case you’re curious, I naturally gravitate toward fantasy, historical fiction, Christian fiction, and YA books.)

    So here are my five reading goals for 2019.

  • 2017 NONFICTION Book Picks - cassiecreley.com
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    My Favorite NONFICTION Books From 2017

    As you probably figured out from my earlier post about my favorite fiction books from last year, fantasy is my favorite genre. I’ve been trying to read more nonfiction books recently, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how much I’ve enjoyed them.

    For me, it’s vital that nonfiction books let me get caught up in the story or provide information that is applicable to my life. Here are the nonfiction books that captured my attention last year.

  • 2017 FICTION Book Picks - cassiecreley.com
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    My Favorite FICTION Books From 2017

    I can’t believe it was way back in 2007 that I started keeping my journal of the books I’ve read. There is something so satisfying about noting when I finish reading a book. Sometimes I jot a few notes about what I liked best, and sometimes, I go off and write a scathing paragraph outlining the book’s faults. I think I enjoy both equally!

    At the end of each year, I look back and tally up how many books I read (58 last year—a new record for me!) and note which were my favorites. I wanted to share those favorites with you all.