• Letting God Choose Your Word, Verse or, Theme for the Year – Why I started praying about what God wants to speak over your upcoming new year. | cassiecreley.com

    Letting God Choose A Word For The Year

    In the past, I have resisted choosing a word for the year because it has always seemed so arbitrary. I’ve seen other people do that, and then they seem frustrated when the random word they chose hasn’t magically panned out over the year. It almost seems like setting yourself up for failure to decide the year will be a certain thing, and then get disappointed when it isn’t. Especially if that word is a vague hope, vs. a goal you work towards.

    But a few years ago, I listened to a podcast by the Ransomed Heart team about letting God choose your word/verse/theme for the year. (Here’s this year’s podcast on that topic.)

    I found this perspective so refreshing and have enjoyed praying about what word and Bible verse God has for me each new year since. It has been a great practice for growing closer to God and bringing my plans and hopes for the year to Him.

  • Book Review Defiant Joy— Those of us with chronic illnesses and pain will find an empathetic soul in Stasi Eldredge in her book Defiant Joy, which explores the beauty and difficulty of finding joy, from a Christian perspective. There is so much brokenness and sorrow in the world, it almost seems like joy isn’t possible. But the good news is—it is! This book revels in just how much joy there is available for us in Christ. | cassiecreley.com
    Blog,  Faith

    Book Review: Defiant Joy

    Today I’m reviewing a book I knew I was going to love even before I picked it up. Stasi Eldredge’s book Defiant Joy has the subtitle: Taking Joy of Hope, Beauty, and Life in a Hurting World. And I think that message is so timely and needed. There is so much brokenness and sorrow in the world, it almost seems like joy isn’t possible. But the good news is—it is! This book revels in just how much joy there is available for us in Christ.

    I was fortunate enough to see a Facebook post inviting people to receive an advance reader’s copy of the book from the publisher and help spread the word about the book as part of the launch team.

    What can I say, I see the words “free book” and “Stasi Eldredge” and I click!

    I got my book a few weeks ago and felt like a bit of a time traveler because I got to read it early (the book came out earlier this week). Please note that I received no compensation for this review, and all opinions are my own.

    This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small portion of sales, at no additional cost to you, if you click through and make a purchase. Thank you for supporting my blog through your purchase!  

    I’m a huge fan of the Eldredge’s books (Captivating and The Sacred Romance among my favorites) as they have really helped me to grow and experience my relationship with God in new and deeper ways, so you bet I was eager to read this latest book.

    I had discovered Stasi’s blog post titled Defiant Joy in 2016 and