Jasmine as a Mermaid – Altered Coloring Book Art #5
It’s time for new altered coloring book art! This time I’m reimaging a coloring book page based on Aladdin. I’ve been so excited to give Jasmine a new look as…a mermaid!
We’re going to keep it really chill on the blog today, because as you may have noticed, I have taken an unintentional blogging break since early February due to my health. Coloring is a fun way to share something creative with you all, and it’s a comforting activity when my chronic illness knocks me down.
This is my way of keeping the creative juices flowing in spite of my limitations. I might not have the energy to create a new work of art, but I can create something new by looking at a coloring page from a new perspective.
Ariel as a Pirate – Altered Coloring Book Art #4
Time for new altered coloring book art! I’m reimaging a new coloring book page. Today I’m sharing how I changed the look of the heroine of my favorite Disney movie: The Little Mermaid. (Find my other makeovers of Disney Princesses here.)
I decided this was a good week for a lighthearted post. If you’ve been following what’s going on on the West Coast, we’ve been having unprecedented wildfires. I’ve never heard of so many brushfires and wildfires so close by, and a large one in Washington is in a neighboring city. I have several friends and family who are waiting to hear if they need to evacuate. We’re praying for everyone affected and fighting the fires, and I appreciate your prayers for the West Coast as well!
We could all use some stress-relieving coloring…
Things I’m Doing For My Health Right Now
I’m a huge advocate of being proactive when it comes to your health, so I today I’m sharing some of the ways I’m doing this right now.
Lately, I’ve had the feeling that no matter what I do for my health, it feels kind of futile. That’s one of the sucky things about being chronically ill—you can do all the right things, and still be, well, chronically ill. Plus, I’ve been dealing with the cold weather (one of my triggers), health set backs, and—oh joy—new symptoms. It’s frustrating and ironic when your health is one of the things keeping you from being proactive about your health.
Thus, this blog post. I thought it would be helpful to record the ways I can be proactive about my health, and how these actions do help, even if just in a small way.
Some of the items on my list may look a little random, or not the kind of things you would associate with “health.” Most of these things aren’t specific to helping any one health condition, like my dysautonomia, fibromyalgia, asthma, autoimmune disease, ME/CFS, etc. But I’ve been trying to pay attention to what is zapping my energy or causing me stress. Viewing a problem as an opportunity to improve my health helps in two ways: 1) this helps me clarify a goal (less energy output or stress) and 2) this helps motivate me to make positive changes (by reminding me that this is important to my overall wellbeing). This clarity and motivation is enough to break through my brain fog and exhaustion so that I’m able to work on my health.
My hope is that this post will help you take a look at what you’re doing for your own wellness, or inspire you to think of new ways you can include more self care in your life. And when you make that list, I hope your reaction is similar to mine: I might be limited in what I can do for my health right now, but I’m doing the best I can.
Getting Rid of Digital Clutter on my Ereader to Feel More Organized
I love finding ways to organize that are manageable with chronic illness.
I’ve been on a slow but steady mini-cleaning spree, and am pretty proud of myself that I’ve checked some items off my to-do list. While I love organizing, my dysautononia, fibromyalgia, and other health conditions make it super exhausting. I wish I could do more, but I’m getting better at pacing myself.
As I wrote about in an earlier post, I’ve found ways to declutter/organize despite limited energy, and it helps me to de-stress. Also, when so many things in my life are out of my control due to my chronic conditions, it helps to be able to have control over my space. When my environment is visually calm and organized, I feel more calm and organized too.
I’ve finished organizing my medicine cabinet and file folder (don’t worry I won’t subject you to a blog post about that!) and when I saw a recent blog post about digital decluttering your e-reader, I was inspired to go through my ebooks as well. This blogger’s goal was to read what she already had. That isn’t my goal (because…libraries!), but her goal did make me want to go through my ebooks, plus it remind me of something I want to try in the future. I’d love to clear out one of my shelves on a bookcase so that it become a designated space just for my unread books. This would make them easier to find—sometimes I forget where I have books squirreled away! A project for when I have a little more energy, and space!
Cinderella as Rosie the Riveter – Altered Coloring Book Art #3
I’m excited to share the latest of my altered color book pages.
I’ve been wanting to more coloring like this (as I mentioned in my list of easy ideas for summer fun).
I love coloring in general, and have found it even more fun to inject some originality. This is my way of keeping the creative juices flowing in spite of the limitations of chronic illness and chronic pain.
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If you love coloring too, or are wanting to give it a try, here are some insightful tips from professional art therapists about how to benefit most from coloring.
So how do I get ideas for changing up a coloring page? I flipped through my book (this one) and Cinderella’s handkerchief on her head reminded me of Rosie the Riveter.
How to Benefit from Organizing When You Have No Energy
Sometimes I just want to go on an organizing or cleaning spree. I’m one of those people who gets an inordinate amount of satisfaction from tidying things up and putting things in order. I love the feeling of looking around and seeing everything tucked away where it belongs—it’s like a puzzle piece clicking into place. An organized space helps me to feel accomplished, refreshed, and peaceful. When I need to de-stress, organizing is actually very relaxing.
I would very much love to benefit from organizing, but my energy level simply says “no.” My chronic health conditions mean I burn out super easily—something as mundane as taking a shower or sitting at my computer for 20 minutes can make me feel as if I ran a marathon.
I was super bummed to think I’ve lost a major way to de-stress that I depended on. Now more than ever, I could use some tried and true ways to decompress!
So instead of throwing out organizing, I’m rethinking it. How can I still benefit from tidying even though my energy is nonexistent? I’ve thought of some ideas to share with you.
Altered Coloring Book Art #2 – Steampunk Aurora
I’m enjoying playing around with reimagining and altering color book pages. It’s proving to be a fun way to get creative even though I’m very low on energy.
(Check out my first attempt
Altered Coloring Book Art #1 – Belle
This is an idea just for fun if you want to make unique art but are low on energy.
Often when I want to be creative, I’m too tired to make something original. I decided to turn this frustration into an opportunity to use my imagination. I love coloring books, but sometimes I get tired of having to literally color within the lines.
Part of the joy of being creative is making something new. I started thinking back to my childhood and how I loved to change things in coloring books—I’d make the characters’ dresses different colors than they were in the movies or add detail to the background.
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If you’re like me and deal with chronic illness and/or chronic pain, you’ve probably heard a doctor emphasize the importance of managing stress. Studies do indeed show that coloring can help with stress and lower anxiety. When managing illness, I’ve learned its also important to take time to do something you enjoy. I love the oppurtunity to get creative, so coloring is a great low-key option.
I started flipping through a Disney coloring book and just let my mind wander. Hmmm, why is the tree Belle sitting on so huge? It makes her look the size of a fairy. Aha! I could draw her with fairy wings!