• Invisible Illness Visible Worth title with headline “Looking at day-to-day medical progress can be discouraging, but when I look at today versus years ago, I see progress.”
    Invisible Illness / Visible Worth Interviews

    Q&A on chronic illness: “Opening up to friends about my health problems was scary but so worth it.”

    What I love most about this invisible illness interview is how it illustrates that when chronic illness takes something away from us, God can still provide new and amazing opportunities.

    Cam is a 20-something with chronic pelvic pain, PCOS, Scoliosis, and other conditions. She shares how an unexpected and painful diagnosis led her and her husband to pursue a ministry they hadn’t previously considered—becoming foster parents to kids and teens.

    Did you know pelvic floor disorders affect about 1 in 4 women in the US? (x) And 1 in 10 women have polycystic ovarian syndrome, aka PCOS. (x) Unfortunately it’s often considered taboo to talk about health issues that only impact women, but, as Cam points out, they’re more common than many people realize.

  • Longing for Light: An Example of Mythology Pointing to Jesus – I love a lot of myths, but I find the best ones have a beautiful truth underlying the story. I want to explore an example of mythology pointing to Jesus and how every human heart longs for light to vanquish darkness, and for good to overcome evil. | cassiecreley.com
    Blog,  Faith

    Longing for Light: An Example of Mythology Pointing to Jesus

    Ever since I was little, I’ve loved reading mythology. The epic stories, heroic deeds, and imaginative worlds captured my imagination and solidified my love for fantasy books. But even better is when you can tell there is a beautiful truth underlying myths. I want to explore an example of mythology pointing to Jesus and how every human heart longs for light to vanquish darkness—a timeless theme of good overcoming evil.

    I love when mythology points out a universal theme. In dark times, we ache for the arrival of dawn.

    This seems especially relevant right now, as we’re all longing for a little more light in the world. Things have been pretty dark lately, what with the pandemic, racial injustice, divisiveness and more. So where can we turn as we’re looking for light?

    Tricky Characters and Myths about Light

    The examples from mythology I want to look at all tell the story of rebel gods stealing fire or light to bring it down to earth.

  • Q&A with blogger Olivia Wolfertz: “I would encourage someone going through a chronic illness to see themselves as valuable and brave even despite their limits.” On practicing contentment, choosing what to focus on, an pursuing creativity with Lyme disease, chronic pain and fatigue. (Invisible Illness Visible Worth Interview Project) | cassiecreley.com
    Invisible Illness / Visible Worth Interviews

    Q&A with Olivia Wolfertz: “I would encourage someone going through a chronic illness to see themselves as valuable and brave even despite their limits.”

    Olivia Wolfertz runs the blog Unpolished Ponderings, where she shares her love of Jesus and creativity, plus a hopeful outlook on life with chronic illness. I feel so blessed that this Invisible Illness, Visible Worth interview project continues to let me connect with kindred spirits who love stories, creating, and writing!

    Olivia created her blogging platform a few years ago as a way to document and cope with her illnesses, including Lyme disease. It’s grown into an outlet where she loves to share what she’s been making lately and what’s encouraging her.

  • Q&A with Beth Madison: “You are more than your disease. You can be defined by your disease or you can be defined by trusting God with your disease.” Interview on patient advocacy, God’s trustworthiness, and life with health conditions including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. (Invisible Illness Visible Worth Interview Project) | cassiecreley.com
    Invisible Illness / Visible Worth Interviews

    Q&A with Beth Madison: “You are more than your disease. You can be defined by your disease or you can be defined by trusting God with your disease.”

    Beth Madison teaches biology at Union University and is a patient advocate through Global Healthy Living Foundation. Over the last eight years, her health journey has included rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, as well as other chronic illness.

    I love the story Beth shares in this interview about friends who are wonderful examples of what it looks like to faithfully support someone with invisible illness, as well as her examples of how God proves Himself trustworthy over and over again.

    I hope you’re encouraged by this conversation with Beth on chronic illness, faith, and perseverance.

  • Ups And Downs: Summer, Chronic Illness, and a New Normal: July Linkup—Here’s what is helping me adjust to the new normal, plus an update on how I’m while dealing with health flare ups and making time for creativity. This month’s themes: Bothering, Demanding, Telecommunicating, Tolerating, and Nourishing
    Blog,  Health

    Ups And Downs: Summer, Chronic Illness, and a New Normal

    Hello friends, I’m so excited to be able to join A Chronic Voice’s link up this month. Summer is finally here, but unfortunately, that doesn’t mean a vacation from chronic illness. So I’m going to share what I’ve found helpful and how I’m coping with the new normal.

    This link up is a way for chronic illness bloggers to connect by writing posts based on the same prompts. I found it so helpful last month to use the prompts as a jumping off point to not only write a blog post, but also to do some journaling for myself to process everything going on in the world and my own life.

    This month, I’m using the prompts to share a little bit about what I’ve been up to lately creatively, what I’ve been struggling with healthwise, and how I’m continuing to adjust to the new normal.

    The prompts for this month are Bothering, Demanding, Telecommunicating, Tolerating, and Nourishing.

  • Q&A with author Daphne Self: “Never give up. There is always someone out there that understands.” Interview on writing, challenges of chronic illness, and leaning on God for self worth when living with fibromyalgia, IBS, Interstitial Cystitis, Neuropathy, and autoimmune disease. (Invisible Illness Visible Worth Interview Project) | cassiecreley.com
    Invisible Illness / Visible Worth Interviews

    Q&A with author Daphne Self: “Never give up. There is always someone out there that understands.”

    Daphne Self is an author whose books include fiction, a devotional, and soon, a book about living well with chronic illness. In this interview, Daphne shares how she uses her love of writing to encourage others and point them to Jesus, all while dealing with one of the worst cases of fibromyalgia pain her doctor has seen.

    Daphne’s fourth book was just released this June. You can check out Alabama Days, the second book in a series, here. The book follows a paramedic, who has seen too much suffering to believe God can be good, and a reporter who both get caught up investigating a series of suspicious accidents.

    Her nonfiction book on chronic illness will be available this fall—it will chronicle the ups and downs she went through when she was first diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic pain.

    I hope you’re encouraged by this conversation with Daphne on chronic illness, faith, and perseverance.

  • Pinterest: Q&A with blogger Hailey Hudson: “Suffering and joy really can and do coexist. You can have pain and peace at the same time.” Chronic illness blogger interview on advocacy, not losing heart, and living with conditions including POTS, neuropathy, carpal tunnel, and restless leg syndrome. (Invisible Illness Visible Worth Interview Project) | cassiecreley.com
    Invisible Illness / Visible Worth Interviews

    Q&A with blogger Hailey Hudson: “Suffering and joy really can and do coexist.”

    I love that the Internet provides us with so many opportunities to connect with and be encouraged by fellow writers, and I’m excited to introduce you to Hailey Hudson, whose interests include blogging, freelancing, and fiction writing. She lives with health conditions including POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), carpal tunnel, and undiagnosed conditions causing chronic fatigue, seizures, and GI issues. (Raising awareness about POTS is of personal importance to me, as I also have a form of dysautonomia, an umbrella term for neurological conditions like POTS.)

    Hailey is a full-time freelance writer and content marketer who runs the blog The Hardworking Creative. You can also find her on her personal blog, Now All I Know is Grace. I love that she shares monthly wrap-ups highlighting what she’s reading, listening to, watching, grateful for, and more

    Earlier this year, Hailey spoke at the 2020 Diamonds Conference, which is an online conference for chronically ill Christians. (I didn’t get to go this year, but it’s something I learned about recently and hope to attend in the future. More info about it below!)

     I hope you’re encouraged by this conversation with Hailey on chronic illness, faith, and perseverance.

  • Q&A with blogger Jenna Ziegler “I thought I was letting go of my dream job. Turns out, this decision led me to this new career that brings me joy I didn’t know possible.” Interview on ulcerative colitis, autoimmune conditions, self care & adapting your writing dreams. (Invisible Illness Visible Worth Interview Project) | cassiecreley.com
    Invisible Illness / Visible Worth Interviews

    Q&A with Jenna Ziegler “I thought I was letting go of my dream job. Turns out, this decision led me to this new career that brings me joy I didn’t know possible.”

    A few years ago, I was planning to start a writers’ group, but due to my health changing unexpectedly, I was never able to get one up and running. So I was pleasantly surprised when blogging made that happen in a way I didn’t expect. Blogging allows me to connect with other writers, and I get especially excited when those writers love the creative side of writing, like fiction and poetry. That’s one of the reasons I’m thrilled to be able to introduce you to Jenna Ziegler, a chronic illness blogger and aspiring novelist.

    Jenna runs the blog The Comical Colon, where she shares her medical journey in a comical light to encourage others to share their unique health journeys. When I found her blog, I immediately sent a link to a friend who was recently diagnosed with colitis because I knew she could benefit from Jenna’s informative and upbeat writing.

    When chronic illness threatened her opportunities to have the schooling and career she desired, Jenna found that her health also brought new options for pursuing her love of writing. She’s been blogging since March 2018 and she’s also an aspiring author. Jenna shares about her writing journey (including participating in NaNoWriMo) plus numerous helpful chronic illness resources in this interview.

    I hope you’re encouraged by this conversation with Jenna on chronic illness, faith, and perseverance.