Book Review: Defiant Joy
Today I’m reviewing a book I knew I was going to love even before I picked it up. Stasi Eldredge’s book Defiant Joy has the subtitle: Taking Joy of Hope, Beauty, and Life in a Hurting World. And I think that message is so timely and needed. There is so much brokenness and sorrow in the world, it almost seems like joy isn’t possible. But the good news is—it is! This book revels in just how much joy there is available for us in Christ.
I was fortunate enough to see a Facebook post inviting people to receive an advance reader’s copy of the book from the publisher and help spread the word about the book as part of the launch team.
What can I say, I see the words “free book” and “Stasi Eldredge” and I click!
I got my book a few weeks ago and felt like a bit of a time traveler because I got to read it early (the book came out earlier this week). Please note that I received no compensation for this review, and all opinions are my own.
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I’m a huge fan of the Eldredge’s books (Captivating and The Sacred Romance among my favorites) as they have really helped me to grow and experience my relationship with God in new and deeper ways, so you bet I was eager to read this latest book.
I had discovered Stasi’s blog post titled Defiant Joy in 2016 and
I’d Like To Unplug…But I’m Sick
I keep reading about the value of unplugging—from our phones, from social media, from electronics in general—but this presents special challenges when you’re chronically ill. As much as I’d like to reap the benefits of unplugging, it’s just not as possible as it used to be.
For one thing, you know what happens the moment I turn my cell phone off? One of my doctors’ offices finally calls me back.
Recovering from Major Events When You Have A Chronic Illness
Those of us with chronic illness know how challenging it can be to go to major events because of the toll it takes on our bodies.
I struggle to make it out of the house for a short coffee date with a friend, and unfortunately wonderful events such as birthday parties or weddings prove even more of a challenge.
So I created a plan to help me recover from going to bigger events, and I’m going to share tips so you can create your own plan tailored to your needs. I’ll share tips for listening to what your body needs and applying them in a way that is proactive vs. merely reactive.
Altered Coloring Book Art #2 – Steampunk Aurora
I’m enjoying playing around with reimagining and altering color book pages. It’s proving to be a fun way to get creative even though I’m very low on energy.
(Check out my first attempt
10 Of My Favorite Health Care Products
It’s hard to know what health care products are worth the investment. Especially if you have a chronic illness, it’s difficult to know where to choose to spend money because there are so many options out there and so many potentials to waste money on less-than-helpful products.
I’m sharing the products that have helped me most so you don’t have to discover them by trial and error like I did.
A Playlist of Upbeat Songs
If you love music and are looking for some songs that will lift your spirits, I’ve compiled a bit of an eclectic mix!
Easy & Affordable Ideas For Summer Fun + A Free Printable
If you’re looking for ideas for summer fun , I’ve been compiling a list of activities that won’t drain your energy or your pocketbook. My goal has been to make a list that is inspiring and feels achievable.
What inspired this list? I think it’s important to be intentional to make time to try new experiences and have a sense of adventure in life, and I enjoy suggestions on Pinterest and various blogs. Lately, however, when I see “bucket lists” or lists of what you “must-do’s before you’re 20/25/30” or “20 things to do to have the perfect summer” I feel discouraged because the activities are out of reach. These lists can assume that people have unlimited time, energy, and money and can lead to unhealthy comparison and discontent. What about those of us with chronic pain and/or illness?
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I had to take a moment and pause to realize that just because all these fun things were on a list doesn’t mean that someone else is enjoying them. (Honestly, how many people fit into one summer a backpacking trip across Europe, snorkeling, a road trip, Disneyworld, etc. etc.?!) I found myself feeling jealous for no reason thinking of these imaginary people having all of these imaginary adventures!
Let’s be a little more realistic. Lists of ideas can be a fun jumping off point so that you can pick and choose a few activities that you’re most excited about. And just because I’m dealing with chronic illness doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the summer. For those of us who are sick, we have to work a little harder to find fun opportunities that are doable. We have to do some mining, but that’s how we find the gold. If we’re intentional and realistic, we can build many beautiful memories to treasure this summer.
Some Thoughts on The Value of Patience
As a blogger who is a Christian, I’ve been trying to practice asking God what He wants from my blog. I want to be willing to let God disrupt my schedule and plans because He knows what I need to be writing more than I do, and He knows what my audience needs to be reading more than I do.
If you’ve listened to the wonderful Ransomed Heart podcast, you’ll be familiar with this idea that God’s plan is often disruptive. I’ve found this perspective helpful, as well as, ahem, disruptive. This awareness has helped me to look for times when I am getting too caught up in myself and the way I think things should be done.
As far as blogging goes, this means asking God in prayer about what topics to cover next. God is like my editor who gives my blog schedule final approval. (And yes, He has swapped things around on me!) As I was thinking about my upcoming posts, I asked God, “What topic would you like me to write about next.” “Patience” was the immediate answer. So immediate that I was rather taken aback. Do I really need to work on patience that badly?!