• Get To Know Me Tag Writer’s Edition: Connecting with other bloggers to share our writing goals, favorite books, and more.
    Blog,  Write

    Get To Know Me Tag—Writer’s Edition

    It’s a new year, so this seems like the perfect time to reintroduce myself here on the blog. Here are some quick facts about me, especially me as a writer!

    Welcome to everyone who has started following me recently, and thank you for sticking around all of you who have been with me since this blog launched in 2018. (I can’t believe March will mark this blog’s five year anniversary!)

  • Flexibility is Key—Creating with Chronic Illness: Thoughts on taking time to recuperate, redefining writing goals, and how to make time and energy for my creative pursuits like cardmaking and party planning.
    Blog,  Create,  Health

    Flexibility is Key—Creating with Chronic Illness

    Happy New Year friends! I’ve been thinking about the importance of flexibility with chronic illness, especially when it comes to taking care of my health and making time for my creative pursuits.

    January seems like the perfect month to share some updates, as well as what I’ve found helpful on my health journey recently. I hope these reflections are helpful for you too!  

    I’m thrilled to be participating in A Chronic Voice’s link up again this month. This link up is a way for chronically ill bloggers to connect by writing posts based on the same prompts. I love the creative challenge offered by the prompts and seeing what others write!

  • December Wrap Up: Preparing For the New Year—Highlights of what I made, how I celebrated, and how I was challenged by chronic illness. | cassiecreley.com
    Blog,  Health

    December Wrap Up: Preparing For the New Year

    Happy New Year! I’m sharing a wrap up post with highlights from my December, including what I made, what I found challenging, and festive photos. Looking back can help us move forward. So I’m reviewing the last month of 2020 before next year’s fresh start.

    This post is inspired by A Chronic Voice’s linkup party, which is a way for bloggers to connect and write about similar themes. I’ve decided to write on three of the linkup themes: Beginning, Enduring, and Revealing. I’ve also decided to add two themes of my own: Creating and Celebrating.

  • Letting God Choose Your Word, Verse or, Theme for the Year – Why I started praying about what God wants to speak over your upcoming new year. | cassiecreley.com

    Letting God Choose A Word For The Year

    In the past, I have resisted choosing a word for the year because it has always seemed so arbitrary. I’ve seen other people do that, and then they seem frustrated when the random word they chose hasn’t magically panned out over the year. It almost seems like setting yourself up for failure to decide the year will be a certain thing, and then get disappointed when it isn’t. Especially if that word is a vague hope, vs. a goal you work towards.

    But a few years ago, I listened to a podcast by the Ransomed Heart team about letting God choose your word/verse/theme for the year. (Here’s this year’s podcast on that topic.)

    I found this perspective so refreshing and have enjoyed praying about what word and Bible verse God has for me each new year since. It has been a great practice for growing closer to God and bringing my plans and hopes for the year to Him.