• Tips For Setting Reading Goals & How I Met Mine in 2019 | cassiecreley.com
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    Tips For Setting Reading Goals & How I Met Mine in 2019

    December is a great time for reflecting on the past year. The last few years, I’ve spent some time at the close of each December recording some of my favorite things from the last year, including favorite books. This year I’ve enjoyed keeping track of my favorite books in “real time” in my mini book review posts.

    This was also my first year setting reading goals for myself, and I like how my goals helped challenge me as well as give me direction when choosing books. It helped prevent me from getting into reading ruts due to brain fog.

    I’ve already started thinking about what reading goals I’d like to set for 2020. But first, I’m going to record how I did with my 2019 goals (read my post about setting these goals here). And, I have some tips for anyone who wants to set goals for the following year.

    Here’s how I did meeting the five goals I set.

  • October reading books
    Blog,  Etc

    My Recent Reads – October 2019

    So I took an unplanned, monthlong break from my blog in September, and I did A LOT of reading. I went through a bit of a health scare including an autoimmune fever that lasted 16 days (that is a loooong time to feel like your brain is cooking!) and concern that my cancer had returned. I’m very thankful that it looks like a false alarm and I am still cancer free! Praise God! I’m very glad to be back to blogging now that my body’s alarm bells have chilled out.

    As the weather starts to get cooler (which is always a rough transition due to my fibromyalgia, asthma, etc.), it’s the perfect time to curl up with a book.

    Here are some of the books I’ve read recently, and what I thought of them. I’ve decided that for now, I’ll just share books that I’ve enjoyed or would recommend to a friend. I hope you enjoy these suggestions!

  • Interesting Around the Web – August 2019: A collection of bookish, grammar nerd, personality, and health articles that have caught my attention lately. | cassiecreley.com
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    Interesting Around the Web – August 2019

    Hello readers, I have rounded up some interesting articles and posts from around the web!

    I’ve been taking it easy after a trip to a museum totally wiped me out for a week, so it’s been fun to discover interesting reads online to keep me occupied. I also got to contribute a quote to another blogger about how important to advocate for yourself when doctors are dismissive or misdiagnose you (one time a doctor told me I didn’t have asthma… when I clearly do and have since birth!) I was also delighted to discover that another blogger read my latest My List of Little Joys posts and was inspired to write a post of her own on that theme.

    I hope you all enjoy these links and have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

  • My Recent Reads July 2019—Mini book reviews and reading recommendations for my fellow bookworms. | cassiecreley.com
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    My Recent Reads – July 2019

    Looking for book recommendations? I’ve been wanting to write this style post for awhile now, so without further ado, here are some of the books I’ve read recently, and what I thought of them. I’ve decided that for now, I’ll just share books that I’ve enjoyed or would recommend to a friend. I hope you enjoy these suggestions!

    I was in a bit of a reading rut up until about a month ago, and as anyone else who loves to read knows, there’s nothing more frustrating than being unable to find a good book to dive into!

    Part of the cause of my reading rut was how exhausted I’ve been—brain fog is not helpful when you’re trying to find books. My ability to make decisions has been fried. Another problem? It seemed no matter what book I put on hold at the library, the wait time was 2-6 weeks. I know that’s not long, and I love my library, but sometimes you need a book now!

    So if you’re in a similar spot, here are some books that I hope you’ll enjoy. I have mishmash of classic, fantasy, memoir, fairy tale, historical, and literary books for you to choose from.

  • Update on my 2019 Reading Goals—Here’s how I’m doing reading more books in translation, classics, Shakespeare, and poetry. | cassiecreley.com
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    Update on my 2019 Reading Goals

    It’s (somehow!) already June, so I’m posting an update on my reading goals now that the year’s hit the halfway mark. As I blogged about earlier, this is my first year setting reading goals for myself. If you’ve set goals too, I’d love to hear about it!

    I’ve been a little hit or miss on my goals so far (I’m going to blame brain fog at least in part for that. You’ll see I completely forgot about one of my goals below!) There’s still plenty of time to work on my goals over the next six months, so I’m glad I’m reviewing them now. Summer seems like the perfect time to dive right into this list and be a little more intentional about reading.

    (If you haven’t set reading goals for 2019, why not set some now? Or set some for the summer?)

    Here’s the progress I’ve made so far.

  • My Favorite Nonfiction Books From 2018 – Here are the biographies, devotionals and DIY-inspired books that captured my interest last year. | cassiecreley.com
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    My Favorite Nonfiction Books From 2018

    The nonfiction books I read this year are a bit of a strange mashup—historical figures, devotionals, and…design inspiration. Despite the odd mix, I think you’ll really enjoy these books.

    Any time I recommend a nonfiction book, you know I liked it a lot, because I actually finished it instead of turning to my first love: fiction!

    I hope you find some great inspiration and learn something new from these books.

  • My Favorite Fiction Books From 2018 | Here are my fiction picks of novels, fairy tale retellings, Christian fiction, young adult YA books, and kid’s books. cassiecreley.com
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    My Favorite Fiction Books From 2018

    I have some fun reading suggestions for you! I’ve been going through my reading journal from 2018 and picking out which fiction books I most enjoyed.

    Not surprisingly, there are quite a few fairy tale retellings on here, and some YA titles I adored. I also stretched myself to read a genre I normally don’t. (Mystery!)

    When I tallied my 2018 books, I felt a little bummed out that I read fewer books than last year, until I reminded myself that quality is better than quantity. I’ve gotten better at putting books aside if I’m not enjoying them, something that has been hard for me in the past. (Can anyone relate?)

    I also realized that brain fog has frequently made me indecisive when I’m trying to decide what to read. Recognizing this has helped me—I thought for awhile that maybe I was losing my love of reading (gasp!) but now I know it’s just a side effect of chronic illness. I’m hoping my reading goals for this year will help me spend less time deciding what to read, and more time enjoying reading. I hope my suggestions help you too as you decide what books to dive into!

  • Book Review Defiant Joy— Those of us with chronic illnesses and pain will find an empathetic soul in Stasi Eldredge in her book Defiant Joy, which explores the beauty and difficulty of finding joy, from a Christian perspective. There is so much brokenness and sorrow in the world, it almost seems like joy isn’t possible. But the good news is—it is! This book revels in just how much joy there is available for us in Christ. | cassiecreley.com
    Blog,  Faith

    Book Review: Defiant Joy

    Today I’m reviewing a book I knew I was going to love even before I picked it up. Stasi Eldredge’s book Defiant Joy has the subtitle: Taking Joy of Hope, Beauty, and Life in a Hurting World. And I think that message is so timely and needed. There is so much brokenness and sorrow in the world, it almost seems like joy isn’t possible. But the good news is—it is! This book revels in just how much joy there is available for us in Christ.

    I was fortunate enough to see a Facebook post inviting people to receive an advance reader’s copy of the book from the publisher and help spread the word about the book as part of the launch team.

    What can I say, I see the words “free book” and “Stasi Eldredge” and I click!

    I got my book a few weeks ago and felt like a bit of a time traveler because I got to read it early (the book came out earlier this week). Please note that I received no compensation for this review, and all opinions are my own.

    This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small portion of sales, at no additional cost to you, if you click through and make a purchase. Thank you for supporting my blog through your purchase!  

    I’m a huge fan of the Eldredge’s books (Captivating and The Sacred Romance among my favorites) as they have really helped me to grow and experience my relationship with God in new and deeper ways, so you bet I was eager to read this latest book.

    I had discovered Stasi’s blog post titled Defiant Joy in 2016 and