Letting God Choose A Word For The Year
In the past, I have resisted choosing a word for the year because it has always seemed so arbitrary. I’ve seen other people do that, and then they seem frustrated when the random word they chose hasn’t magically panned out over the year. It almost seems like setting yourself up for failure to decide the year will be a certain thing, and then get disappointed when it isn’t. Especially if that word is a vague hope, vs. a goal you work towards.
But a few years ago, I listened to a podcast by the Ransomed Heart team about letting God choose your word/verse/theme for the year. (Here’s this year’s podcast on that topic.)
I found this perspective so refreshing and have enjoyed praying about what word and Bible verse God has for me each new year since. It has been a great practice for growing closer to God and bringing my plans and hopes for the year to Him.
One of the most helpful tips from these podcasts is to keep praying and not to get discouraged if you don’t hear right away. It’s not a race. Last year I didn’t get a word until mid-February.
I’m still praying about this year’s word and verse. I think I know what they are, but I’m not going to share them on my blog. As John Eldredge points out in the podcast, it can be better to keep things like this private. (SorryNotSorry internet!)
I will share that one of my previous words was “Refuge” and it meant so much to me that year, and has continued to mean so much to me. It was 2017, and I had just in the last part of 2016 been diagnosed with cancer and undergone surgery and radioactive treatment. I remember just wishing I could have somewhere to run away, to escape everything bad going on in my life and just feel safe. And I felt God nudging me—that refuge I so desperately needed? That’s Him. He provides the refuge for us no matter what we’re facing.
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”
– Psalm 46:1 NIV
The word meant so much to me, one of my dear friends had a necklace made for me with the word “Refuge” stamped on it. I love that it’s a key—like it’s a reminder that God has handed us a key to find refuge with Him any time. (PS the organization that made this key provides job opportunities for people transitioning out of homelessness. I highly recommend you check them out if you’re looking for a gift that also supports a good cause, or for a unique way to remember what God shares with you for this year.)
I hope this encourages you to consider praying about what God wants to speak over your year. And I’d love to hear how this impacts you!
Comment below if you’ve tried praying about a word for the year before, or plan to try it this year.
(Feel free to share your word or verse or theme if you would like, or keep that private!)

Wow I could SO relate to your post! I am typically one to spend a lot of time planning what I want my word to be for the year instead of asking. This year, the Lord caught me by surprise and stopped me in the middle of my planning my word and said “Just wath me.” And I said, okay! I love how you stress the importance of letting the Lord lead us in our planning. Thank you for this encouraging reminder! ❤️
Cassie Creley
Thank you so much for sharing how this spoke to you Kaitlin! I love when God stops us in our tracks to say, Wait, let me show you a better way.
As a planner myself, I totally get it. I just caught myself making a list of my blog plans for this year, and realized I hadn’t asked God about what direction HE wanted to take my blog. I’m constantly reminded that surrendering our plans is the best way.